Big Brother Naija Season 9 takes an unexpected turn as the reigning Head of Hous...
NdiNne, consisting of Chinne and Nne, has been evicted from the show, marking th...
Big Brother Naija housemate Sooj rejects romantic partner Nelly's advances, prio...
Big Brother Naija Season 9 heats up as Topher and Anita finally share a romantic...
BBNaija housemate Wanni sparks a social media frenzy with her candid confession ...
Big Brother Naija's Toyosi and Damilola face off on 'Hero’s Therapy,' with Toyos...
This week, the housemates of BBNaija Season 9 "No Loose Guard" reality program w...
Big Brother Naija Season 9 housemate Chinwe threatens to end her relationship wi...
Big Brother Naija reality show contestant Wanni has apologised to her colleague,...
Tensions ran high in the Big Brother Naija house as thhe Chekas pair clashed wit...
Big Brother Naija's Michky reveals his conflicted feelings towards Handi from th...
Shaun from Big Brother Naija sparks social media buzz after a viral video with h...
In the Big Brother Naija house, Mickey confides in Zion about his growing feelin...
Drama unfolds in BBNaija Season 9 as housemates Kellyrae and Kassia are caught a...
BBNaija Season 9 contestant Rhuthee candidly reveals she brought a d!ldo with he...
A viral video captures their heated argument over a not-so-tasty batch of noodle...